Vegetal Growth
The orchid meristem is scattered among several adult organs, that form the 'drafts', which may be on different stages.
Between the determination of an organ and its passage to the final form exists, on the one hand, dependence of the accumulation of assimilated and hormonal products, and on the other hand, crop development remains dependent on external conditions.
Once the orchid starts open growth, her life becomes less hidden from our eyes. In Figure 1 we have shared the orchid monopodial growth (Fig. 3) and sympodial (Fig. 4), because their capacity for vegetative propagation and generation are not the same.
Sympodial orchids have very large capacity of vegetative propagation (bulbs, keiki, runners, rejection). As we install a new orchid in the greenhouse, the feeding of the plant and changes in temperature and humidity play an important role that place a dependence on the horticulturist.
And therefore, we can get a lot of foot-clones, whose culture is now well controlled by growers, or we can focus on flowering.
The diet rich in nitrogen, favors vegetative growth of the plant, whereas a diet rich in carbon promotes floral induction. For the same reason, that we remove the vegetative buds to help feed the flower buds.
After floral induction begins a competition between vegetative growth and development of reproductive organs under the action of external factors, such as photo-and termopériodisme, the ratio of carbon to nitrogen, reducing watering and so on.
Département des Jardins Botaniques et Zoologiques du Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, USM 0602, case postale 39, 57 rue Cuvier, 75005 Paris; [email protected]
Between the determination of an organ and its passage to the final form exists, on the one hand, dependence of the accumulation of assimilated and hormonal products, and on the other hand, crop development remains dependent on external conditions.
Once the orchid starts open growth, her life becomes less hidden from our eyes. In Figure 1 we have shared the orchid monopodial growth (Fig. 3) and sympodial (Fig. 4), because their capacity for vegetative propagation and generation are not the same.
Sympodial orchids have very large capacity of vegetative propagation (bulbs, keiki, runners, rejection). As we install a new orchid in the greenhouse, the feeding of the plant and changes in temperature and humidity play an important role that place a dependence on the horticulturist.
And therefore, we can get a lot of foot-clones, whose culture is now well controlled by growers, or we can focus on flowering.
The diet rich in nitrogen, favors vegetative growth of the plant, whereas a diet rich in carbon promotes floral induction. For the same reason, that we remove the vegetative buds to help feed the flower buds.
After floral induction begins a competition between vegetative growth and development of reproductive organs under the action of external factors, such as photo-and termopériodisme, the ratio of carbon to nitrogen, reducing watering and so on.
Département des Jardins Botaniques et Zoologiques du Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, USM 0602, case postale 39, 57 rue Cuvier, 75005 Paris; [email protected]